Sunday 3 May 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Hi Everyone, 
             for quite sometime now I have been wanting to start a blog, I have been toying around with the idea and trialing different sites so lets hope that this site is the one! The idea of this came to me a few months ago but I didn't know what I would want it to be about but I have decided since one of my favorite things to do is makeup and beauty that that is what I would do. Also I decided that I would make the blog anonymous just so that I can feel free to say what I want without everyone else at school knowing. 

So without giving away my identity I wanted to tell you a little bit about me, well I am a 15 year old schoolgirl from Shrewsbury who loves makeup and all things beauty. Another thing I enjoy doing is cooking and baking so whenever I do that at school I will probably do a post on it if it goes successfully, as this is a subject I took for one of my options.  

A few of my posts may be on school and the things that happen, I might write about things that we learn in lessons and other things that go on in school or with my friends. 

Animals are another one of my passions and I love cats and hamsters especially, and I'm lucky enough to be a proud owner of both of them. There might be a couple of posts about those two cuties as well. 

Although I will occasionally post blogs about all of these things above my blog will mainly be about beauty as that is the main thing that I am intrested in. 

I hope that this is a blog that you want to follow and will enjoy reading and I will hopefully see you next time. Goodbye for now, 
            Makeup wonderland x

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