Saturday 13 June 2015

Past and present pets!

Next is a pet that I got in August 2013, this time it was one of my own pets and it was my own  responsibility. For weeks and weeks on end me and my brother decided that we wanted a hamster that we could both look after together, but both our parents said no. However a few months after we went to a garden center and I was looking at all of the cute animals and I found the cutest ball of fluff ever, so I went back to mum and was begging and begging and she still said no, but I didn't give up. At this point my brother decided that it would be better just for me to have one and not him as he would miss having Rose and Patch in his room too much, but he was still on my side and was up for me getting one. So when we went back to the garden center a few weeks later I was still begging mum and I showed my brother which one it was that I so badly wanted and in the end Mum and Dad gave in and helped me pick a cage and all the things I would need for him, then we asked the woman about him and she got him out for me and told us everything we needed to know. So we got him home and he settled in well. When we brought him we were told that he wasn't very old but after researching the Syrian species I realized he was a lot older than what we were first told. At the time I was obsessed with one direction ( I still love them now) so I decided to call him Louis after Louis Tomlinson! Louis lived for around 3 months in my home before he sadly died from old age. The night Louis died was on a Thursday and I remember this because Patch was found on the Saturday morning the same week, so I lost 2 of my pets in a week.

Hello everyone, for today's post I wanted to talk about all of my past and present pets that I have had. Most of them are family pets and not just mine but I am only 15.

Happy Halloween!
The first pet that I can remember is a cat. When I was very young my parents got a little kitten, she was a torture shell and was super cute. She was called Kylie and my parents actually named her after Kylie Minouge. I remember she used to wait for me and my brother to come home from school, at first she tried to follow my mum when she left the house to pick us up but she had to keep bringing her back home so after a while she finally learnt not to so in the summer she would wait on the wall that was by our house and then as soon as she could see us she would run over to us and in the winter she would wait on the window sill until we would appear and then she would run to the door and wait for us there. Sadly Kylie was ill, I'm not sure what it was called but lets just say she had problems controlling going to the toilet. I remember one Christmas eve she had an accident all over the presents and mum had to clear it all up and unwrap and re wrap them! This was funny at first, although I would not like to be the person who had to deal with it. Another funny story I remember about Kylie is when it was my brothers birthday. Because my brother is a summer baby we had a BBQ party for him with all the family around. When it was cake time we were all sitting on the picnic table we had in the back garden and our cousin had just out his cake on the table, so kylie decided she wanted a piece of the cake so she just snatched it right off his plate! She was a naughty cat but that was so funny, his face when she stole it was just hilarious.  Sadly in  early 2010 she died, in the February of 2010 we were due to move house but her life came to an end just a month before. Here are my favorite pictures of her.


When we still had Kylie me and my brother also had some hamsters. I think this is where my love of rodents came from. We had Snowy, Snowball and then two gerbils at the same time Snowflake and Troy. (Troy was mine and as you can tell I like high school musical a bit too much at the time.) I don't have any pictures to show you of them but I will tell you a funny story about one of the gerbils. Well they would both chew like crazy at there cage and because it had pipes and tunnels it made it easy for them to escape so Snowflake would get out and climb all the way up the stairs and scratch at mum and dads door every single night. I also had a hamster called Sadie,  but only when I was very little so I can't really remember her but I will tell you a story about her too. This is one I have been told many times by my both mum and dad so here is the story. Sadie and Kylie used to really get on and not once did kylie try to hurt her at all, but one day when mum went to Sadie's cage to feed her and play with her she wasn't there so mum and dad thought she had escaped and after looking everywhere for her for days and days they just couldn't find her so thought that Kylie might have hurt her so after about four days they gave up and packed all her cage up but on one night 7 days after she had been missing when they were sat in the living room watching TV they heard kylie meowing and she kept coming in and out of the kitchen into the living room and jumping on Dads knee and then back down into the kitchen. Dad just thought she was being greedy and wanted food so he ignored her but after she kept on persevering in the end they got up and went to see what she wanted and there was Sadie! She had been asleep right behind the washing machine and just came out looking for food when Kylie spotted her so she told mum and dad and Sadie was just sitting there, so mum and dad set her home back up and they still don't know how she escaped, but just how cute is that??

So lets talk about our next pets, in the summer of 2010 our new home didn't feel like home without little kittens, so mum looked in the paper and on the internet and decided to ring up a farm who told us to come to the farm to see her. So that's what we did, we drove up to the farm with a basket in the back of the car and when we got there she was waiting for us with two little black and white kittens, they looked so so adorable and cute bundled up in her arms. When we got them home they were so small, tiny even and Rose couldn't even walk and she was crying and crying so me and mum spent weeks sleeping down stairs every night looking after them both. So when we got them home we sat down and decided on names. I thought up of the name Patch because she had little patches of black and white all over her so that was the name we went with. My mum and brother came up with the other kittens name, they named her after Rose Tyler from doctor who as that was what they were obsessed with at the time.

Sisterly Love <3


How cute?!?!

I'm just gonna sleep zzzz

Rose on the first day we got her home


Hi there!

Who wants a fight??

What is this cold, white stuff covering the ground??

Patch- but not looking very impressed

Ok, so you tell me its falling from the sky??
What, I'm only trying to catch some fish

Rose is still living happily 5 years on but unfortunately I can't say the same for Patch, in October 2013 she went missing, at first we just thought she was a dirty stop out and didn't come home over night, but she didn't come back at all so we went out looking in bushes and asked people to check in sheds. We went on facebook and posted pictures and asked everyone we knew, but there was no sign. 2 days later after school I heard screams and whines so I went out door to door with a photo, I did all of our street and there was nothing at all but on the next street about 8 houses down the man answered the door and I asked him and he said next door found her on the door step, dead. At first she seemed like she was sleeping, he said but then when he went back to her she was stone cold, so he called the RSPCA up and they told him to call the council, who told him to wrap her up and put her in the council bin! That day wasn't the best, but we still have Rose who is healthy and well.

Where's all the food gone??
The next pet is one of my own, this is the first hamster that was my own responsibility and I had begged for weeks for mum and dad to let me get one and in the end they did! When we went to the garden center at the start of August 2013 I went to look in the pet section and I saw the most adorable hamster and then I spent weeks begging to mum and dad but they still said no. When we went back there a few weeks later I showed my brother the hamster and he joined in so in the end mum gave in, she brought over a cage and all the things I needed for him and asked the woman about him. She told us that he was a long haired, male Syrian who was still a baby so we took him home. We settled him in and I started my research it was at that point we realized he wasn't as young as we were first told and he was actually a lot older. So after 3 months in October 2013 he sadly died!

I still have the next pet I'm going to tell you about and she is a female short haired Syrian hamster. I'm not going to go into too much detail about Maisie because I did a blog post about her on her birthday. ( or the day I got her home.) I got he on the 4th of may 2014 so I've had her just over a year now and she is still alive and well. I will link the blog post at the end of today's blog if you are interested in reading that one, but for now enjoy looking at                                                                   the cute pictures of her.

Ohhh that looks interesting

Ohhh hi!!

Alrighty guys, that's all I have for you today. I certainly enjoyed writing this one and remembering all of the cute and funny things that our past and present pets did. If you enjoyed it please let me know in the comments and I will see you soon,

goodbye Makeup Wonderland x

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